AFEI delegation participated in the 6th Arab Forum on SMEs which tackled the important role of SMEs in employment (the priority in the region currently), the importance of capacity building to support SMEs competitiveness, and some experiences from the Arab countries in developing SMEs.
AFEI presented a paper titled “AFEI approach to supporting SMEs” as an example of a SMEs support programs. The paper highlighted the need for professional/business associations to engage in charity measures only through a specialized organization and transparently in order to earn the trust of the governmental sector.
One of the distinguished ideas discussed was the importance of offering technical support to SMEs alongside the financing. The forum recommended working on simplifying the administrative procedures for firms, and establishing & supporting incubators in the Arab countries as a tool for creating job opportunities.
Related links:
Forum at Tunisian Industry Portal, Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
Downloadable files:
Agenda, Brochure, The final statement