About us
To be an active force for economic and professional development in our Arab countries, this will have a positive impact on the social development.
Which aims at contributing to defending the interests of member companies within the framework of society public interest in all forums and through: coordination and active participation in issues related to plans and programs of economic and professional developments in the Arab countries, capacity building to achieve impact and effectiveness in these fields, upgrading the industries to the international level of competitiveness, and strengthening the capacities of young industrialists.

Provide a regional platform for:
Building relationships that are based on trust in knowledge and professionalism with governmental bodies in our Arab countries (including the League of Arab States and the Council of Economic Unity…etc.), with employers' organizations, and with specialized scientific, professional, and sectoral organizations in the Arab world and on the int'l level.
Establishing alliances with national/regional/international organizations and other sectoral associations to achieve effectiveness and efficiency in realizing our mission.
Playing an active role in strengthening efforts of economic, social, and professional development in general, and supporting efforts of developing the business environment and infrastructure (quality - education & training -...) in the Arab countries in particular.
- Provision of specialized services for the members which falls within the Federation's priorities, at a high level of quality, and responding to the requirements of each country.
- Contributing to development projects and initiatives which benefits the industrial sector as a whole as well as the engineering sector.
- Building capacity to play an active role as a counterpart in the economic development.
- Cooperating with federations & employers' associations and regional/int'l organizations in achieving our aims, and improving relations with donors & all related entities.
- Promoting exchange and cooperation amongst members to encourage investment and bilateral trade and create links in the Arab world.

AFEI is one of the federations whose activities are valued by the Arab Economic Unity Council. Its role in development is distinctive, and its efforts in developing human resources and in technical and vocational education are commensurable with reality.
المستشار رشيد عليو
اجتماع الجمعية العمومية ٢٠٠٨
Arab federations have a very important role because they are sectorial federations that cooperate with the national associations to harmonize their interests in the Arab countries. Through regular meetings between members of the Arab federations, their ideas are organized and competition among them is improved with the aim of reaching complementarity.
المهندس محمد سعيد الحافظ
مؤتمر على هامش اجتماع الجمعية العمومية ٢٠٠٩
AFEI|s goals, strategy, and services to its members and to society will attract those who believe they should participate in achieving them. The founding members of AFEI are looking for someone who gives, not someone who takes!
المهندس مهاب دعبول
لقاء الشباب الصناعي ٢٠١٠
One should underline that joining the Federation is conditional on contributing, giving, and cooperating in public work. This makes serious people stay with us.
المهندس شريف عبد الهادي
لقاء الشباب الصناعي ٢٠١٠