The Federation seeks to open a regional office in Jordan and to organize an Arab conference for engineering industries, and the Board of Directors decides to modernize its website as a channel for promoting the Federation’s activities |
Participants in the semi-annual Board of Directors meeting addressed ways of revitalizing cooperation among members by organizing an exhibition and a conference for engineering industries as well as devising technical training programs for workers. One of the founding members of the Federation advised his fellow Board Members to consider the development aspect and focus on strengthening industries to employ Arab youth. From this perspective, the priority would be to hold such activities in Egypt, Algeria, Syria and Iraq, where the proportion of young people in the population is relatively high. In this context, a member of the Board mentioned that there is great difficulty in obtaining entry visas for members from Syria to most of the Gulf countries, so selecting the venue is extremely important in the success of the activity. The attendees agreed that Jordan is the ideal place because owners of large businesses are granted approval to travel to Jordan for a year and multiple entries, which will help overcome this difficulty. On the other hand, attempts continue to reunite members and restore fraternal ties between members that have been affected since the global financial crisis in 2008, as some began to ask “What will I gain from the Federation!” The Board Members are of the opinion to attract members who give first in order to benefit second. Business owners are the ones who create factories, employ workers, produce and reap profits, and they choose to enter into a collective action under the umbrella of the Federation in order to push development the industry in their countries. |