The conference clarified the methodology of the regional project (implemented by ETF) which aims at contributing to strengthening the role of social partners in VET focusing on institutional capacity building of employers organizations and trade unions engaged in VET in neighboring countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean region.
Participating countries decided that the focus of the project will be on the continuing vocational training (CVT), i.e. the training of the employed and those seeking employment, which enables dealing with unemployed youth as they constitute a considerable proportion of overall unemployment in the region.
ETF will support each country following a common path in six steps:
1) Awareness raising on the role of social partners
2) Awareness raising on the importance of working together
3) Mapping the role of Social Partners in VET in partner countries
4) Definition of an agreed framework for cooperation
5) Definition of common position papers in a specific topic
6) Definition of common action plan in a specific topic linked to continuing training
In countries where Social Partners have no or very limited experience in dealing with VET issues, the ETF’s work will probably focus on the first three steps. In countries where social partners have already experience in cooperating with VET issues, the ETF could start from working at step 4 facilitating a more technical work on a specific topic.
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