The meeting – held under the chairmanship of Eng.Said Alhafez/ Vice Chairman of the Board with the participation of some members of the Young Industrialists Committee- started with a memorial words to the late Chairman Egn.Abdulhadi Abdulmonem.
The attendees agreed unanimously to delegate Eng. Alhafez with chairmanship of the Board temporarily until a new board is elected mid-year 2012.
The priorities of work topics and the mechanism of coordination and cooperation between members through a shared vision was discussed, and it was decided to form a working group headed by Mr. Hamid Al Zayani/ Vice Chairman of the Board to draft a proposed vision for the federation’s role and methodology of working together and send its proposal within three months to the BOD which will deliberate and then present it to the general assembly.
At the end of the meeting, it was decided to hold meetings of the general assembly and the BOD during the first week of June 2012, in Beirut/Lebanon.
Related links:
Strategic Vision Formulation Working Group
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